Postpartum Planning & Education
You have spent months, maybe years, preparing for the arrival of your baby(ies), now let's plan what to do next. We will create a
plan uniquely catered to
your family's needs so that you feel supported and confident.
$150 exchange
Virtual or In-Person, we will cover 3-4 topics of your choice.
$250 exchange
Virtual or in-person, we will cover all 11 topics, so that you feel fully empowered and prepared.

In-Person Support
Daytime Only
Daytime support for parents, siblings, and infants. Meal prep and light housework. Encouragement of healing practices & most importantly, ensures protected sleep. Our base packages include: prenatal planning, discounted belly binding, herbal support and 1 entire year virtual support!
Already postpartum? We have packages prepared for you too!
We offer sliding scale pricing between $40 - $50/hour as function of our values and actions towards building towards a future built out of co-liberation of all peoples.

When you are tired, the last thing you have energy for is research. Our resource documents and referrals are the antidote to the overwhelming experience of internet
search results.
Free to all clients.
Guide Calls available for those who need more support finding a provider. Or check out our Resources page for our most trusted colleagues, references and more.

Guide Calls
1 hour Prenatal or Postpartum video or phone call. Includes time & space to center you & identify your needs and educational guideposts.
Example topics:
*Intention setting
*Birth pathways
*Choosing a provider
*Ritual release
*Physical healing
*Infant feeding & care
*Sleep arrangements
*Boundary setting
After the call you will receive an emailed a resource guide and a 1 week follow up.
$90 exchange

Belly Binding
Binding the womb space after birth is an ancestral tradition packed with healing potential. Womb massage is also offered if desired. Womb massage can enhance healing and the re-alignment of internal organs, fascia and ligaments.
After binding, clients say they feel held, safe, secure, & more like themselves.
Both bengkung style (pictured) and traditional bandage style wrapping are available.
$150 exchange
*Discounted exchange for clients booking packages of doula services

Virtual Support
All packages include access to weekly office hours for 1 entire year.
Link: $360 exchange for 2 prenatal sessions, 1 video or phone call for the first 3 weeks postpartum + text support as needed .
Connect: $660 exchange for 4 prenatal sessions, 2 video or phone calls for the first 3 weeks, 1 video or phone call for week 4 + text support as needed.
Bond: $1200 exchange for 4 prenatal sessions, 3 video or phone calls for the 3 weeks, 2 video or phone calls for the next 3 weeks, 1 video or phone call for the last week + text support as needed.